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Small Business Accounting or Bookkeeping

We offer a low priced monthly remote accounting/bookkeeping services that allows to keep these prices down & to service a larger geographic area, currently coast to coast. This also allows clients to spend their time doing business, making money and not worrying about your books. Clients send their monthly data to us for the previous month via email.  Serving bookkeeping clients on a remote basis helps keep the prices down and clients love it. From the data our clients send us, we update their Income Statement & Balance Sheet and email them back these year-to-date financial statements so they always have them for reference & decision making etc. We also provide annual business valuations or appraisals & financial analysis to check on the financial health of the business. Corrective strategies are presented for any weak area found. We also provide them a discount on doing their personal & business state & federal income taxes**. Accounting or Bookkeeping is the cornerstone of all our services as everything depends on having an accurate picture of the business upon which to expand into our other offerings. Spend your time working your business & making money and not struggling with accounting.